2023 - February Panel Discussion Recap

We gained some valuable key takeaways for board recruitment and engagement from our expert panelists:

  • When recruiting people to serve on a board, the title is far less important than finding people who are passionate about your cause. Finding someone that wants to make an impact, has access to individuals that can fund campaigns, and are willing to execute the organization’s mission and vision should take priority over title or position in an organization.

  • Having an expectation conversation up front is crucial to setting everyone up for success. When considering a board position or recruiting new members, discussing financial and time commitments of board service and identifying a succession plan in the beginning will help prevent difficult conversations later on into service. Also, if the prospective board member or organizational leadership decides board service isn’t a good fit, continue to engage with one another. Sometimes the timing is off, or the individual would love to support the organization in other ways.

  • Board fundraising should come naturally if the right people are in the right place. With that said, it’s much easier for board members to fundraise when they understand the vision, can articulate deliverables and are able to share the organization’s impact.

    Additionally, you cannot progress in any of the organization’s efforts without trust. Board members opening their networks to fundraising starts with organizational trust. Ensure transparency and work to build relationships (including gratitude) between organizational leadership and board members. This will ensure a solid foundation when board members are ready to make asks to their network.

  • Whether you’re a smaller organization trying to compete with large nonprofits or looking to host more effective board meetings, it is crucial to communicate your impact. You must get your message out to the community in order to build passion and enthusiasm for engagement and, ultimately, support.

Be sure to purchase tickets early for our next event! We often sell out.


2023 - April Panel Discussion Recap